Our office is dedicated to surrounding ourselves with the very latest in medical technology. We believe this makes for a more efficient and accurate examination, and it allows us to detect and treat many conditions at their earliest stages. Listed below is some of the technology that we use on a daily basis, so browse through and get acquainted with what we do. Ultimately, any technology is only as effective as the people who run it and interpret it, and it is our goal to make certain that you feel informed and educated about the condition of your eyes – our staff and doctors strive to communicate effectively throughout your exam experience.

Optos Daytona
The Daytona Optomap uses ultra-widefield scanning laser technology to give our doctors a fantastic view of the retina. This aids our doctors in diagnosing, analyzing, documenting and monitoring ocular and systemic conditions that may first show up in the peripheral retina. This includes, but is not limited to, conditions related to diabetes, hypertension, retinal detachments, choroidal melanoma, certain cancers, and degenerative retinal disorders.

Optovue OCT
(Ocular Coherence Tomography) – The OCT is an amazing tool that helps our doctors diagnose, treat and monitor diseases of the macula (i.e. – macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy) and of the optic nerve, such as glaucoma. Many sight threatening conditions have no outward symptoms in their early stages, and this technology allows us to obtain images below the surface of the retina, much like an MRI, which often allows for earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment. This information is extremely useful as we work to make wise decisions regarding the health and visual well-being of our patients.

Optovue Pachymetry
This tool allows us to take detailed measurements of the cornea (front surface of the eye), which is valuable information when considering LASIK and when fitting certain types of specialty contact lenses.

Huvitz Digital Refraction System
Our digital refraction system allows us to take precise readings of your eyes, and enables us to provide the most accurate prescriptions to enhance your visual clarity and comfort.

Zeiss Matrix Visual Field Analyzer
This visual field machine uses Welch Allyn Frequency Doubling Technology to provide an expedient accurate assessment of a patient’s visual field capabilities. This information is critical to diagnosing and managing glaucoma, as well as other optic nerve and neurological disorders such as stroke and certain types of brain tumors.